• 4,600 taps
• Ziibaakdakaan Maple began operations in 2018 at Cape Croker Park, Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, Neyaashiinigmiing.
• This April’s Maple Weekend, will be the second annual year open to the public.• In 2018, Ziibaakdakaan Maple revived the tradition of making ziiwaagmide (maple syrup) in our centuries-old ziibaakdakaan (maple sugar bush). Two years later, a new state-of-the-art processing facility was up and running.
At sunrise in the early morning of March 9, 2020, a “First Tap Ceremony” was held at the start of the maple sap run. This ceremony pays respect to the ancient maple forest who provides so much – not just sap for medicine and maple syrup, but firewood for heating and cooking, shade on hot summer days, and beauty all year round.
After the ceremony, participants enjoyed a feast of pancakes and maple syrup. Ziibaakdakaan Maple has continued with the First Tap Ceremony every year.
• In our first ever entry in the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair’s Maple Syrup competition, Ziibaakdakaan won three top ten finishes!
• Visitors will be able to walk through a traditional sugar bush that is older than the Dominion of Canada.
• Visitors will be able to sample ziibaakdwaaboo and ziiwaagmide.
• Visitors will be stepping outside of Canada onto unceded territory during this visit.
• Visitors will have an opportunity to experience various aspects of Anishinaabek history and culture.
• Visitors will learn to pronounce Anishinaabemowin for maple syrup (ziiwaagmide) and maple sugar (ziizbaakot).
• Visitors will be able to interact with community members of Neyaashiinigmiing.
Committed to the production of high quality maple products using the best management practices.
Phone: 613-258-2294
Email: admin@ontariomaple.com