Brought to you by the Ontario Maple Syrup Producers’ Association
A Sweet Ontario maple producer

Hutchinson Maple Syrup

Simcoe & District

Hutchinson Maple Syrup

Hosted by: The Hutchinson Family - Doug, Michele & Orval

Hutchinson Maple Syrup is a family owned and operated maple syrup farm. Orval, Doug, and Michele, with the help of their family, turn the maple sap that flows from their hardwood maple bush into sweet maple syrup to share with you! In 1974 Orval Hutchinson began producing maple syrup in Oro, Ontario, using cast irons pots with only 200 taps. From 1975 to 1988, Orval with the help of his family and son, Doug, expanded to 800 taps, and moved his operation into a Sugar Shack with a wood-fired evaporator. Fast forward 23 years later, when Doug and his wife, Michele, purchased a sugarbush on the 5th Line North of Oro-Medonte, it wasn’t long until the evaporator was once again fired up. In 2012, Orval, Doug, and Michele, began making maple syrup as a “hobby”. Because they love to share their sweet maple syrup with everyone, Hutchinson Maple Syrup has grown from 300 taps flowing into buckets, to now over 1600 taps with the maple sap flowing through a high vacuum system right into our new Sugarshack.

Bring your boots and come visit us at our brand new Sugar Shack, walk through our trails, let us show you how to make maple syrup from tree right through to the bottle and taste the flavour of our fresh 2025 Maple Syrup!

Get in Touch

2217 5 Line North, Oro Station, Oro-Medonte, ON L0L 2E0, Canada
(705) 238-8605


Join us for Maple Weekend
April 5 and 6 2025

Visit our Sugar Shack to see how maple syrup is made

Walk through the trails in our Sugar Bush

Games & Colouring for the kids

Come have a pancake breakfast or lunch from Sully’s Eats & Treats

Free Wagon Rides!

Check out our 2025 Maple Syrup products