This vibrant growing farm utilizes 17,000 taps on over 1,000 acres of farm woodlot. The health and wellbeing of the forest is a primary concern and source of pride during tours. While expanding the farm we continue to concentrate on making the best products possible. The syrup produced here has won three World Championships. Most recently for 2023 we are the Premier exhibitor in Maple at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. In 2017 we won first on our top grade of syrup at the North American Maple Conference in Quebec. Our passion is quality and explaining to interested visitors the finer details of the process. We have been making Maple Syrup since 1861 this year we celebrate 75 years at our current location. We have a multitude of products available all sweetened exclusively with our maple syrup.
Join us for Maple Weekend,
April 6 – 7 2024
– New for this year! On Saturday only we will be hosting the Almaguin Maple Festival with additional vendors and food. More details to follow.
-Modern sugarhouse and prized woodlot open for your enjoyment.
-Free samples of syrup and other products.
-Syrup, maple candy and maple butter and our new products all available for purchase.
-Check our Facebook page or call for updates as plans develop for Maple Weekend and the festival day.
-Sugarhouse is fully accessible
Committed to the production of high quality maple products using the best management practices.
Phone: 613-258-2294