We have been making Maple Syrup since 1988 and currently tap 2000 trees on our 110 acres at the base of Nipissing Ridge. The commercial venture of Bella Hill Maple Syrup was started in 2007 as a retirement project that turned into a second full-time career! We have a wood-fired evaporator, tubing, vacuum, and reverse osmosis to save on the wood.
We are welcoming visitors on SATURDAY APRIL 5 to experience Spring in the Sugarbush! Wander through the maple bush on a marked .5 km trail, get a personalized tour of the sugarshack and sample our award winning maple syrup and maple butter. Free maple taffy for the sweet tooth!
Committed to the production of high quality maple products using the best management practices.
Phone: 613-258-2294
Email: admin@ontariomaple.com